Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomniacs have been known to complain about being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and non-organic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia each year. Insomnia tends to increase with age and affects about 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Natural Cure for Insomnia that Works

A difficulty in falling asleep and maintaining good sleep is how doctors describe insomnia. It is a symptom, not a disease or a diagnosis. The average person will experience insomnia once in their lifetime with up to 50 percent of people in the world suffering from it at one time or another for more than a few nights.

Many people do not like to take medications to help them sleep and look towards a more natural cure for insomnia. There are many things you can do to promote sleep, alleviate stress and reduce stimulation, the two major causes of insomnia.

One tried and true natural cure for insomnia is to drink warm milk before bed time. An alternative to milk is a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water or straight up. You could even eat a very light carbohydrate snack. 5-HTP delivered from tryptophan such as that found in turkey, is an amino acid that will help you fall asleep. 5-HTP boosts levels of serotonin, a brain chemical that helps to regulate sleep. Other foods that might contribute to a good nights sleep are starchy foods such as grains, potatoes, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice and oatmeal. However, you do not want to go to bed on a full stomach. These items should be eaten in moderation, as a light snack before bed. All of these methods should help you to gain a good night sleep and help you feel rested in the morning.

Don"t like milk? Drink herbal teas like passionflower, skullcap, lavender, valerian, California poppy, St. Johns Wart, hops and chamomile which all have sedative properties that can help your mind and body ready itself for sleep. Most can be found at health food stores and should be sipped about an hour before turning in at night.

Getting enough vitamins is another essential ingredient to a natural cure for insomnia. Several different B vitamins have been shown to reduce insomnia so a B complex vitamin would be a good choice taken daily would help with your insomnia. Other vitamins include magnesium, zinc and calcium has long been known to calm the nervous system which will help you fall asleep.

Melatonin is a natural occurring, sleep inducing hormone in the brain. Although some people may lack the ability to produce this and that may be a cause of their insomnia. Scientists have discovered a way to duplicate this naturally and without any side effects, it is a natural cure for insomnia. The recommended dosage is between 0.3 to 3 milligrams per night.

Some people believe in magnetic therapy and sleep with negative magnets on a magnetic pad either all over their bed or around their head. However, it can be difficult to calibrate the exact amount of magnets, the strength and the positioning needed to help be a natural cure for insomnia.

Avoiding caffeine after 2 pm and exercising early in the day are good advice and will help work together with the above suggestions for a natural cure for insomnia.

Autor: Paul Haughney

Paul Hockney suffered from Insomnia for many years. Having researched Insomnia Treatment he eventually found a cure that worked. Find Free Advice and Natural Sleep Aid reviews from Paul at

Added: March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Natural Sleep Aids Uncovered

There are many natural sleep aids that will help you if you have insomnia which is a chronic inability to sleep over a long period of time.

Herbal remedies are on the rise and one in particular, valerian has long been used as a natural sleep aid to cure insomnia. Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Germany all sell this natural herb over the counter.

Exactly how valerian works in the system is a mystery to doctors but they know it works. Some studies propose that it works like other sleep aides in that it affects the calming neurotransmitter, GABA.

Valerian is not addictive like some pharmaceuticals nor does it cause grogginess. It is, however, not without side affects; dizziness, headaches, indigestion and heart palpitations can all occur while taking valerian. And valerian can not be taken with any other medications, particularly sedatives that depress the middle nervous structure.

The human body naturally produces a hormone called Melatonin. The pineal gland makes serotonin in the brain and then it is transformed into melatonin when it is restricted from light.

People with schizophrenia, depression or any serious illness, such as an autoimmune disease should not take melatonin.

An anti-anxiety herb, Kava could be helpful for anxiety related insomnia. Conversely, the FDA - Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning to consumers who use any type of products with Kava as a main ingredient because it can cause severe liver damage. There have been cases of severe liver damage in other countries but not here in the US.

Aroma therapy
The sent of many different flowers and essential oils have long been thought to bring about sleep in those who find it difficult to fall and stay asleep. Lavender is one of the most widely used aroma therapy oils for insomnia. Other oils that seem to help are ylang ylang and chamomile.

A study by the University of Pittsburg suggested that the use of acupuncture maybe an effective cure for insomnia. The study showed that five weeks of acupuncture increased the production of melatonin in the brain during the evening hours and helped the patients fall asleep better.

The lack of exercise can contribute to insomnia; however when you exercise can also have become a factor for lack of sleep. Exercising in the morning will help you to feel better throughout the day and help you sleep better at night. Exercising to close to bed time will increase your adrenaline and you will have trouble with your sleep.

Falling asleep faster and staying asleep longer, relaxation techniques are one of the best ways to get a good night sleep.

this involves a relaxing scene your mind creates. You must be in bed and try to engross all your senses. Most people pick a tropical island and imagine the sand, sun, the water and just a relaxing time. You can smell the sea water and feel the spray of the ocean on your face. This is a good visualization and will help you relax.

Autor: Paul Haughney

Paul Hockney suffered from Insomnia for many years. Having researched Natural Sleep Aids he eventually found a cure that worked. Find Free Advice and Natural Sleep Aid reviews from Paul at

Added: March 29, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How To Naturally Cure Insomnia

Late at night, you go to bed. You closed your eyes but can't seem to fall asleep. You might even try counting sheep, but to no avail. And your mind keeps on working, you keep on thinking on a lot of things. Looking at the clock, you noticed that hours had passed but your still awake.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, in 2007, that at least 20 million feel the same thing, experiencing occasional sleeping problems. What is commonly referred to as Insomnia has actually three types: transient insomnia which lasts from days to weeks; acute insomnia lasting for about 3 weeks to 6 months; and chronic insomnia which lasts for years.

Although the situation mentioned above is more common, called as onset insomnia, there are 3 other insomnia patterns. One is known as Middle insomnia, referring to the difficulty of falling asleep when waking in the middle of the night. Waking too early in the morning is another type of insomnia called as terminal insomnia. Another type of insomnia is called middle-of-the-night insomnia which cover both terminal and middle insomnia.

There are a lot of causes for insomnia. A common cause of insomnia would probably be a disease or disorder the person is under. Stress might also make it hard for a person to sleep; so as fear, anxiety or any mental or emotional problems that the person is experiencing. Hormonal shifts also causes insomnia, as well as the disruption to a person's sleeping pattern such as a change of shift at work.

Although most people would prefer taking pills and proceed into medication to aid them in their sleep, there are also alternative and natural ways of dealing with insomnia. One very familiar and common way of making it easier to sleep is by drinking warm milk before heading to sleep. Now some might be skeptical about this, but milk is basically been used for a long time to aid sleep. There is a scientific explanation to this. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan which acts like a mild tranquilizer.

Some also noted that its easier to sleep when you exercise hard before going to bed. This one makes sense since your body will be pretty tired and must need to rest after exercising vigorously thus makes you more inclined to sleep. Some methods of getting sleep faster is avoiding mentally engaging activities as well as exposing your eyes to light before going to sleep. Of course by avoiding mentally engaging activities, you are not "starting up" your brain's engines.

Another method used for a long time, is by using aromatherapy and taking a warm bath. The key to this is making the body relaxed, free from discomforts, and more inclined to sleep. Using lavender oils, or any other relaxing oils is just fine. A good way of doing this is by taking a warm bath before sleep. You can add you're favorite aromatherapy product, coupled with the essential oil while listening to relaxing music of your choice.

Autor: Elizabeth Boardman

The San Francisco Bath Salt Company's slogan is "Relaxing The World One Bath at a Time". We specialize in luxury bath salts for skincare and relaxation with the overall goal of improving health through bathing. Our website is a powerful resource of information about bathing and contains many more articles and our daily bathing blog. for more information visit or to visit our complete resource section on bathing goto

Added: March 24, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Insomnia Problems - Find Out EverythingYou Need To Know

Looking for some good insomnia information? Want to get those insomnia problems under control once and for all? Well then, you're in the right place, as you're about to learn some important facts about insomnia; including highly effective natural insomnia remedies.

Insomnia Causes

Insomnia can be caused by numerous things, most of which you wouldn't even think twice about. Some of the most common causes of insomnia are: uncomfortable environment (noise, room temperature, bed firmness, quantity of fresh air), work shift changes, stress, underlying illnesses, withdrawal from drugs and/or medications, depression, and a whole lot more. In today's world, it seems almost anything can lead to insomnia.

Insomnia Symptoms

There isn't a great deal of reliable insomnia information when it comes to identifying the symptoms of insomnia. Why not? Because insomnia symptoms are so incredibly similar to that of other disorders that it's quite difficult to accurately diagnose. However, here are a few of the more common insomnia symptoms that you'll likely notice:

- Exhaustion: A sincere feeling of not wanting to do anything. Everything seems to drain you of energy; be it getting up to go to the bathroom or just finishing the days work.

- Poor Memory: You have a brief recollection of events, but nothing remotely specific can come to mind.

- Poor Motor Skills: Speech, reaction time, critical thinking, you name it, it is all severely impaired. You can complete basic tasks and you might even be able to have a short conversation or two, but anything else is just too much for you to handle.

- Irritability: Everything annoys you. No matter who you're dealing with or what you're doing, you are annoyed.

Natural Remedies to Improve Insomnia Problems

When it comes to insomnia information, there is nothing more helpful than natural remedies for insomnia. Because of that fact, a few insomnia natural remedies have been listed below.

- Sleep in complete darkness. A dark room enables our bodies to produce a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin helps us to sleep more peacefully with fewer interruptions. Afraid of the dark? Get a small night light.

- Drink herbal tea before bed. A cub of herbal tea, which has strong relaxing and calming properties, right before bed will help out a great deal with your sleeping habits. Great herbal teas with sedative properties include passion flower, chamomile, valerian, and many others.

- Take a warm bath. A warm bath combined with natural oils (chamomile, lavender, marjoram, neroli, rose, jasmine, etc.) can be both soothing and calming, allowing you to achieve maximum relaxation much more quickly. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to go to sleep.

- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco: Caffeine is a stimulant which will simply keep you awake. Alcohol and tobacco, on the other hand, will actually upset your natural sleeping rhythm. Lessen your consumption of these during the day for better sleep at night. If it doesn't help, try eliminating them completely.

- Listen to sleep soundtracks. Specially composed soundtracks can help lull you to sleep in a matter of minutes. These soundtracks are relatively inexpensive and can be easily purchased online.

The above insomnia information should help you to understand your insomnia problems a bit more clearly. And, with help from the natural insomnia remedies above, you might just be able to sleep more peacefully at night.

Autor: Sean T Saunders

Do you want a guaranteed solution for insomnia -- one that will cure your sleeplessness once and for all? If so, you should visit, the one and only website that can guarantee an insomnia cure for you.

Added: March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tea to Relieve Insomnia

There are several herbs that are known for their relaxation and sleep-inducing properties. Maybe one of the better known of these herbs is chamomile. Chamomile has been used for centuries as an herb that helps people relax. Relaxation is, of course, the key ingredient of going to sleep, as well as staying asleep throughout the night.

Chamomile tea can be purchased either in the form of tea bags or a loose dried herb suitable for making tea. The idea of making all tea is to boil water first and then to add the tea and let it steep. The longer any tea steeps, the stronger it will become. Usually steeping for about five minutes is sufficient for making chamomile tea that will provide the desired effect of inducing sleep.

Valerian is another herb that is also known for inducing sleep. Unlike other sleep-inducing herbs, however, valerian must be taken as a tea on a regular basis rather than just on the occasional sleepless night. Valerian root is the part of the plant that is used for making tea that has sleep-inducing properties. Tea made with fresh valerian root needs to be steeped at least 10 minutes. You should drink a cup or valerian tea once every day for it to be effective.

Lavender is an herb that can be made into a tea, and the essential oil of lavender can be used in a warm bath or in carrier oil and massaged into the skin. The essential oil of lavender should never be used to make tea. Tea needs to be made from either fresh or dried flower petals only. Even makers of baby products now make a baby bath product that contains a very small amount of the essential oil lavender. The product is recommended for use in bathing a baby just before putting him/her to bed.

Autor: Jeff Austin

For more important information on getting a good night's sleep be sure to visit where you will find advice and tips on insomnia restless leg, sleep apnea, snoring, and more

Added: March 21, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Insomnia Symptoms, How to Cure Insomnia

Insomnia is one of the sleeping disorders which you are not able to sleep persistently. You might have a perception that people who suffer from insomnia are those who are having mental illnesses and old people. Surprisingly, insomnia affects all of us no matter how old you are. However, insomnia does happen more frequently among women than men. In this article, we will discuss some basic information about insomnia.

Anyone who has ever suffered from insomnia knows how miserable it can be to not be able to sleep. In most cases insomnia is the result of poor sleep habits. Fortunately there are a few simple things that you can do to improve your sleep habits and to beat insomnia.

Symptoms of insomnia are difficulty in falling asleep, waking up repeatedly during the night, waking up too early in the morning, feeling tired upon waking, sleepiness and sleep attacks during the day, irritability and problems with concentration or memory

We are living hectic lives in a hectic world and the reasons that most people are kept from sleeping are innumerable. There are means to help people sleep more, other than just sleeping aid medication but unfortunately some people only rely on the medication and are sometimes so desperate to fall asleep that they could run the risk of overdosing and never waking up! Needless to say, you should be very careful if you use any type of sleep aid medicine.

Cucumber helps to calm and cool the liver. It is beneficial for treating some specific kinds of sleeping disorders. Persons who complain that they face difficulty in falling asleep can largely benefit by taking cucumber in the night.

Refrain from inappropriate or untimely consumption of food and beverages containing caffeine, nicotine or alcohol. Those three are notoriously depriving many of better sleep. Most people habitually don"t give much thought about how the choice of food and drinks can affect their sleep. So just exercise more care to what you eat and drink as well as when you eat and drink and you would have less trouble going to sleep and staying asleep.

Proper use of Valerian Root is known to be quite effective for promoting ease of relaxation and quality sleep. This is certainly one natural cure for insomnia option worthwhile trying. But keep this in mind. One has to be fully aware of known possible side effects being experienced by certain users that are attributed to the use of Valerian Root.

Don"t like milk? Drink herbal teas like passionflower, skullcap, lavender, valerian, California poppy, St. Johns Wart, hops and chamomile which all have sedative properties that can help your mind and body ready itself for sleep. Most can be found at health food stores and should be sipped about an hour before turning in at night.

Autor: Peter Hutch

Read about Natural Cures. Also read about Shatavari and Female Libido

Added: March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Insomnia Treatment - Treatments of Sleep Disorder

We presently live in a very fast-paced world where energy and speed are valued commodities. It's no wonder that people try to cram everything they can into a single day, ending up having to get by on very little or no sleep at night. Because of this kind of lifestyle, a lot of people end up being unable to sleep at night because they are used to leading a very hectic schedule.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder faced by millions, and they are constantly trying to find the best treatment for this. Though some of them are successful, others are not. This may depend largely on the clinic treatment that is chosen, and also on the type of insomnia that the person has. To get things right when a person has this disorder, one must always ensure that the disorder has first been diagnosed properly.

The type of insomnia treatment recommended will likely hinge on the actual cause of the insomnia. There are many causes and the insomnia treatment recommendations generally vary with each. Let's look at some of the causes and the potential insomnia treatments that can go along with them.

The type of insomnia treatment that works best depends on the reason behind the insomnia itself. This sleep disorder can be caused by many different things. For some people, it is a physical condition caused by hormonal or chemical imbalances. For others, insomnia is caused by emotional or mental issues.

Insomnia or lack of quality sleep is divided into three categories based mainly on the duration of the problem - transient, intermittent and chronic. Transient and intermittent are temporary conditions and most of the times, correct themselves with minimal informed effort. Alteration of life style habits that cause the problem should suffice. There are quite a few OTC drugs, mostly sedative antihistamines that are useful.

If your insomnia is still fairly mild, you may be able to treat the problem on your own at home. This might include changes to your routine, like avoiding a heavy meal or strenuous exercise too close to bedtime. You may try following a regular evening schedule that includes a late night bath or other methods for relaxing.

Medication treatment for insomnia is usually prescribed by physicians but there are still some over-the-counter sleeping pills you can take. However, it is best advised that you consult a sleep expert to make sure that you are not just worsening your condition. Most of the time, the physician will try to find out the underlying ailment or disease that could be causing your insomnia. This is what you have to cure for you to get back to your normal sleeping routine.

Another natural insomnia treatment you can try is yoga. As being mentioned above, insomnia can be brought about by stress and yoga is a very good stress reliever. However, consider only yoga poses that do not strain your muscles too much.

Autor: Peter Hutch

Read about Natural Remedies. Also read about Arthritis Pain Relief and Back Pain Relief

Added: March 19, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Full Detailed Information on Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterised by the inability to fall asleep and/or the inability to remain asleep for a reasonable amount of time. Insomniacs have been known to complain about being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and non-organic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder.

Types of Insomnia

There are two broad categories:

* Chronic insomnia - lasting for several weeks, months or even years
* Transient insomnia - lasting for a few nights or weeks only, usually connected to a stressful event e.g. an exam, a bereavement.

Within these broad categories insomnia usually takes one or more of the following forms:

* Difficulty falling asleep - more common among young people
* Sleeping lightly and restlessly, waking often, lying awake in the middle of the night - more common in people over 40. In younger people it may be associated with depression.
* Waking early and being unable to get back to sleep - this is more common in older people and anyone worrying about something in particular.

What Causes Insomnia?

Causes of acute insomnia can include:

* Significant life stress (job loss or change, death of a loved one, divorce, moving).
* Illness.
* Emotional or physical discomfort.
* Environmental factors like noise, light, or extreme temperatures (hot or cold) that interfere with sleep.
* Some medications (for example those used to treat colds, allergies, depression, high blood pressure and asthma) may interfere with sleep.
* Interferences in normal sleep schedule (jet lag or switching from a day to night shift, for example).


Nonbenzodiazepine prescription drugs, including the nonbenzodiazepines zolpidem and zopiclone, are more selective for the GABA receptor and may have a cleaner side effect profile than the older benzodiazepines; however, there are controversies over whether these non-benzodiazepine drugs are superior to benzodiazepines. These drugs appear to cause both psychological dependence and physical dependence, and can also cause the same memory and cognitive disturbances as the benzodiazepines along with morning sedation.

Some antidepressants such as mirtazapine, trazodone and doxepin have a sedative effect, and are prescribed off label to treat insomnia. The major drawback of these drugs is that they have antihistaminergic, anticholinergic and antiadrenergic properties which can lead to many side effects. Some also alter sleep architecture.

Autor: Brain

Read out for Anxiety. Check out blood pressure and stress

Added: March 14, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hypnosis For Insomnia

Are you getting into bed near the time that everyone else is getting up? It might be cold comfort to know that you are among the 20 million Americans who endure insomnia. If a groggy head, dark circles and nights spent lying awake have become commonplace for you, a hypnosis insomnia program could bring the relief you need.

No doubt you believe you have tried everything to fall asleep, including a stiff drink, over-the-counter-sleep aids or even highly addictive prescription sleeping pills. All lead to the same end: You develop a tolerance, your "sleep" is not restful and the next morning, you felt drugged and lethargic. Hypnosis insomnia therapy can bring safe, effective sleep without side effects.

Many people wrongly believe that hypnosis is sleep. But effective hypnosis insomnia programs will only bring results if you are awake while in a deep state of relaxation. In this state, your unconscious is more open and accepting to guidance. In the most successful programs, post-hypnotic suggestions are given to you to remove tension and create a positive expectation of restful sleep. NLP for a sleep disturbance is generally effective after the first session because we are inclined to get what we expect, so you will sleep soundly all through the night.

After thoroughly relaxing, the next step in hypnotic insomnia therapy is discovering what induces you to suffer from a sleep disturbance. Another vital part of a hypnosis insomnia course entails looking small changes to your evening ritual that will have the most significant effect on your ability to quickly fall asleep for restful and sound slumber all night long.

At the center of a successful NLP insomnia program lies Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP. Powerful NLP techniques can be used to "flip" things around in the unconscious so that thoughts and experiences that previously prompted stressful feelings will actually cause relaxation instead.

Alleviating stress is paramount for a NLP insomnia treatment to be effective, and NLP visualizations can instruct the unconscious to automatically get rid off disturbing thoughts and feelings that create stress. These peaceful feelings stay with you through the day so that when it is time for bed, you can fall asleep quickly and rest throughout the entire night without disturbance.

In addition to using effective NLP techniques in NLP insomnia programs, Ericksonian Hypnotic Metaphors are also worthwhile. Basically, a qualified hypnotherapist creates a metaphor, or a parable, that directs your unconscious to subdue your thoughts-especially at night-to get rid of any fear or anxiety about lying awake.

To permanently conquer a sleep disturbance, learning to relax with self-hypnosis is required, but it is not always practical to listen to a CD or watch a DVD. Learning how to give yourself post-hypnotic suggestions anytime, anywhere to trigger deep relaxation can be accomplished easily. That's right-you can successfully use self-hypnosis insomnia suggestions any time you need them.

Hypnosis insomnia programs cannot harm you in any way. A hypnotherapist cannot get you to say or do anything that you do not want to. You remain completely in control, and there is no "hypnotized feeling" that you have to shake off. In fact, the worst that could possibly happen is that you might fall asleep for thirty minutes or so. That's the point of hypnosis for insomnia in the first place!

Hypnotherapy instructions for insomnia can be directives to the unconscious to draw on pleasant fantasies and memories to create pleasant dreams and relaxation. You will feel tranquil at bedtime and have a positive expectation of sound and restful sleep. And that positive expectation will help you fall asleep quickly, and the dreams will make you sleep soundly and restfully all night long.

Additionally, NLP programs are highly effective; it has been reported that most people are hypnotizable to a greater or lesser extent. However, those with less than a 70 IQ or those who are in an active state of psychosis generally are not hypnotizable. Most senile people are also difficult or impossible to hypnotize. Like any move to improve the quality of your life, your motivation is imperative for success.

Everyone responds uniquely to each type of hypnosis, so be sure your NLP insomnia program offers several different methods, like NLP and Ericksonian Metaphors, to bring you the results that you are seeking. Most NLP insomnia program participants remark their sleep issues are alleviated by hypnosis, and insomnia simply fades away like a bad dream.

Autor: Alan B. Densky, CH

Alan B. Densky, CH has been a practicing hypnotherapist for thirty yrs. He's done extensive research on sleep disturbances, and created an effective hypnosis insomnia program. Visit the Neuro-VISION hypnotherapy website to enjoy his Free hypnosis videos, and hypnosis article index.

Added: March 11, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Elite Insomnia Hormone: Melatonin

Insomnia is commonly linked with a natural hormone produced by the body. This hormone is known as melatonin, and it makes the body feel physically tired and 'encourages' the sleep cycle. It is produced by the pineal gland in the brain. This insomnia hormone is also made synthetically and is used as an effective treatment for insomnia.

Melatonin: The Top Insomnia Hormone

Melatonin works in a series of ways to reduce the effects of insomnia. It has been proven to decrease body temperature, suppress stimulating hormones produced by the body, and promote relaxation. This soothing affect is the major attraction to the hormone.

The body responds to darkness or bedtime by producing melatonin to make us tired and go to sleep. However, there is another cycle at work here: the body needs sleep for it to function properly.

The Major Issue With Insomnia

If your body is producing an insufficient amount of melatonin and suffering from insomnia as a result, the body is at risk for much more serious problems. Sleep is necessary to rejuvenate the body and mind. Without enough sleep, it is far too difficult to stay alert and focused throughout the day. Lack of sleep also slows reaction time, which is a typical justification for car and machinery accidents.

When a person is suffering from insomnia, their body's immune system is also weakened. High-quality sleep is vital in building a strong immune system. This causes many insomniacs to be sick more often than most, too.

How Can Melatonin Help?

Melatonin is produced less as we age. That is the main reason insomnia is common in adults than in children. This steady reduction of melatonin can be supplemented by a person taking the insomnia hormone in pill form. By increasing the body"s levels of melatonin, a person can then overcome the insomnia because the body is responding naturally again to the cues form the hormone to induce sleep.

Melatonin is not a cure-all for insomnia, though. In some insomnia patients, Melatonin is not the cause of their sleeplessness. In this case, then melatonin supplements might not help at all.

The insomnia hormone Melatonin is essential to a person's sleep cycles. A person with low melatonin production will not only have problems sleeping, but can also get sick more often, can have more accidents, and usually has problems functioning during the day. This is why it is very important to keep melatonin levels constant. The medical community has worked very hard to create herbal synthetic Melatonin insomnia hormone supplements for this reason, and they very well could be the answer you've been looking for!

Autor: Benjamin Edwards

Wondering where to get a Melatonin supplement that's totally safe? Check out Melatrol: a doctor-recommended herbal insomnia remedy. Sign up for your free 14-part insomnia eCourse at!

Added: March 7, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Conventional Medical Treatment for Insomnia


Insomnia is an extremely frustrating condition, during which normal sleep patterns are consistently interrupted-either when falling asleep, in the middle of the night, or very early in the morning. One, two, or three consecutive sleep deprived nights can make you less alert, easily confused, and unusuaUllifatigued. Four or more terfere with motor skills, physical coordination, and problem-solving abilities. It also can make you moody, prone to depression, and susceptible to infectious illnesses, such as the common cold and flu. In some people, prolonged sleeplessness can even cause hallucinations, psychosis, and delusions.

Insomnia is a very personalized condition; it can be caused by a multitude of factors, including job stress, money concerns, depression, alcohol or drug use, hyperthyroidism, sleep apnea, jet lag, caffeine, sleep deprivation due to having a newborn infant, and trying to sleep in a noisy environment.

Signs and Symptoms

Difficulty falling asleep

Inability to fall asleep after waking up in the middle of the night

Waking up earlier than usual

Anxiety over whether or not you will be able to fall-and remain-asleep

Daytime sleepiness

Conventional Medical Treatment

If you have not had a good night's sleep for four or more days in a row, visit your physician, who will examine you to ensure that a physical ailment, such as hyperthyroidism or sleep apnea, is not the cause of your insomnia. Insomnia is also a symptom of depression, which your doctor also may explore. If a medical or psychological cause of your insomnia is determined, it must be addressed in order for your usual sleep patterns to resume.

Often, there is no underlying medical factor behind a person's sleep difficulties. Instead, the problem may be rooted in poor "sleep hygiene." Sleep hygiene means following a fixed routine of activities that the body associates with sleep on set, including adhering to set sleep and waking times (even on weekends), avoiding stimulating activities (such as exercising, watching an emotional movie, or reading an upsetting book) within three hours of bedtime, avoiding all stimulants (such as caffeine) within six hours of retiring, creating a noise-free environment for sleep, and ensuring that the bedroom is a comfortable temperature. Other sleep hygiene measures include eliminating daytime naps and setting aside time during the day to attend to (or simply keep a journal of) the worries that keep you awake at night.

Autor: Brain

Read out for Home remedies. Check out green tea and body mass index calculator

Added: March 6, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Everything You Need to Know About Helping Insomnia

Most of us have a restless night, if you can not switch your brain to sleep. For some people this is a regular occurrence - without rhyme or reason "for the participants of this insomnia. From a medical perspective, sleeping pills are the "answer". From a natural view, there are many reasons why sleep can happen. Here are some of the joint contribution to this.

serotonin deficiency. Serotonin is a brain chemical determines your Sleep & Wake-cycle. Many things about the levels of serotonin-deficiency leads to symptoms such as insomnia, depression, anxiety and addiction. There are a number of ways to build a serotonin deficiency. These include the recreational stimulant drugs such as P, ecstasy and "party pills", the BZP. It may also be for those who are on a high protein content, low carbohydrate diet, because we need carbs to produce serotonin. Another contribution to this shortage is in people who do not go outdoors in the sunlight for a reasonable period of time per day. Called SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or the winter blues, this condition is associated with light deprivation. To increase the serotonin level to ensure that you are outdoors in the sun for at least 20 minutes per day. You can also try natural substances 5 HTP. This helps to increase serotonin levels, and works very fast, if a serotonin deficiency is contributing to your sleeping problem.

mineral deficiencies. The minerals calcium and magnesium are the main ones who have worked with us to relax and relax more. Coats nerve calcium in the body and a shortage of this vital mineral causes us to "Go to Sounds" and are sensitive to noise. Magnesium is the contraction and relaxation of muscles in the body and a lack of this contribution to symptoms such as muscle spasm, cramps, restless leg syndrome, eye Flicks, and the inability to shut your brain at night to sleep. Magnesium is a mineral that can be difficult, in adequate amounts through the diet because many foods are not included on this because of the refining. Many people use magnesium much faster than they consume and drinks, they contain tannin and caffeine (coffee, tea, cocoa, red wine, etc.) interfere with the absorption of this mineral. Take a reverse ratio of magnesium to supplement, where it is 2 parts calcium-magnesium to 1 part. All mineral supplements should be adequate quantities of zinc, which is crucial for the absorption.

adrenal insufficiency exhaustion. This is a common problem and I treat every day. This happens when we do not eat enough, regularly during the day and then with stimulants such as tea and coffee to give us a boost, but as food. This process is often done in people who do not eat breakfast, which then have a caffeine containing beverage in the morning. You can quickly grave something for lunch that is high in fat and carbohydrates, but low in protein. This leads to fluctuations in blood sugar and the body reacts with an adrenal "hit" to make them back. By the time they are home from work at night, there's so much adrenaline circulating through their blood that they can not relax to sleep. There is only 1 way to this kind of problem and that is to prevent the adrenal response in general. To do this, eat in? one hour after waking and then every 2? Hours throughout the day. Each meal should contain protein, as this is the "fuel" that keeps us for many hours. Protein comes from an animal products (meat, fish, eggs, etc.) as well as nuts and seeds and soy products. Canned tuna, salmon or a protein drink or protein bar are convenient ways to quickly access. Try it with a multivitamin or B complex for increasing energy, but as caffeine.

stimulants. Most of us consume far too many stimulants in those days. These are found in coffee, tea, green tea, cocoa or products from this, such as Milo or chocolate. They are also in soft drinks containing caffeine, some pain-relieving drugs & Leisure stimulant drugs, such as over the counter party pills with BZP. If you have a problem switching off at night to go to sleep, avoiding stimulants this is a must. Try drinks like coffee called Ecco, Inca, or Caro. These can all be drunk in a similar way to coffee, caffeine, however, are completely free. If you need caffeine, no more than 1 cup per day and even then, do you remember that this is something that you need to wean themselves from. Be ready for the headache, which is 2 days to disappear!


If you would like to find out more about Insomnia from leading Naturopath and health professional Leanne James, go to NZ's leading health website healthyonline where you will find a compilation of Leanne's best health articles.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

All about Insomnia Symptoms, Tips, Relief and Treatment

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder among all ages, especially among senior citizens. The patient should remember or write down all the insomnia symptoms he/she experiences and discuss with the physician to help in making a correct diagnosis. The most typical of all insomnia symptoms is difficulty in sleeping. Encounters with anxiety and/or depression are two main symptoms associated with insomnia. Insomnia symptoms include poor concentration and short memory. Insomniac people usually awake prematurely during sleep and have trouble falling asleep again. Insomniacs feel irritability without any obvious cause. It is especially experienced during the day. People suffering from insomnia frequently experience decreased alertness and mental sluggishness.

Insomnia symptoms may last for a little or longer time, depending on the type of insomnia. In case of Transient Insomnia, the symptoms last for a few nights. In Short-Term Insomnia, the symptoms stay for two to three weeks. If they last more than three weeks, the patient is suffering from Chronic Insomnia. Health experts also sometimes distinguish between primary and secondary insomnia. Primary insomnia is characterized by symptoms of difficulty in falling asleep, waking several times during sleep, and fatigue. These symptoms last for a month and has unknown cause. In secondary insomnia, there is a known underlying medical condition. Depression is major cause of secondary insomnia.

To diagnose the condition of sleeplessness as insomnia, the physician makes sure that the symptoms are not being caused by other sleep disorders or other disease or side effects of any medication. Along with the symptoms of insomnia, other disorders may be detected in the same patient; these include mania, depression, phobias, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Help for Insomnia

It is often possible to fight insomnia with simple home remedies; however, when the insomnia crosses two weeks and you start feeling groggy, disoriented, acutely irritated and totally lost, it is time you go for professional insomnia help.

The treatments available for insomnia are varied and very efficient. Reaching at the right diagnosis is quite problematic, which involves a battery of tests and long-drawn assessment studies. This is why people usually avoid asking for professional insomnia help unless it becomes too much to bear otherwise. Most of the times, the homemade cures will dramatically improve your condition; however, in case you still experience this problem, it could be an indication of some serious health problem which would necessitate a doctor's opinion. You should always keep in mind that prevention is better than cure. A timely medical intervention may save your life.

Tips for Insomnia

Insomnia tips no 1 - Do not sleep or even take a cat nap (those 10-20 minutes forty winks), if you are prone to insomnia attacks. Maintain strict timings both for sleep and for your meals.

Insomnia tips no 2 - Eat your dinner at least four hours ahead of your bed time. For example, if you normally retire at 10:30 pm, have your dinner at 6:30 - 7:00 pm latest. Often insomnia is aggravated by digestive problems, and hence, it is best to avoid the problem altogether.

Insomnia tips no 3 - Avoid any drink that influences sleep, such as coffee in any form, alcohol, and even tea (unless it is medicated). In case you must have your regular cup of coffee, at least ensure that you take it before a minimum of four hours from your bedtime.

Insomnia tips no 4 - Introduce daily exercise in your routine. In case you are not too fond of physical exercise, you can simply take a walk for about 30 minutes daily; try to gradually increase it to one hour or so for best results.

Insomnia tips no 5 - If you find that you cannot sleep, do not fight it. Sleep usually comes after your body relaxes completely. The best thing to do is get up from the bed and do something that you enjoy (reading, listing to music, writing letters to dear ones, etc) aiming to relax your mind and body.

Treatment for Insomnia

Majority of people suffering from sleep disorders turn to pills and medications. This proves to be working at first, but gradually some problems arise that need serious consideration before one starts with a particular kind of sleeping pills or medication. These days, both over the counter medications and prescriptions pills are used for insomnia treatment.

Over the counter medications for insomnia are usually ineffective in log term insomnia treatment. First of all, they do not ensure the quality of sleep enjoyed by healthy people. They give about 5 % duration of deep sleep while in healthy sleep this duration is 10 % to 25 %. Secondly, over the counter drugs for insomnia mostly work by the action of antihistamines (anti-allergic chemicals) present in them. These include chemicals like diphenhydramine citrate, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, and doxylamine succinate. While antihistamines do cast a sedating effect, they are not to be used by people with prostate problems, angina, heart problems, and urinary problems. Antihistamines can add to the intensity of these conditions. Finally, over the counter drugs have a number of side effects like: drowsiness and dizziness (that may remain for twenty four hours), memory lapses, dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, and urinary retention.

Various types of medications, collectively called hyptonics, are prescribed for insomnia treatment. Hypnotics generally fall in three categories: benzodiazepines, non-benzodiazepines, and antidepressants. Most of the health experts agree on using insomnia medications for a short period only. In all cases of using over the counter drugs or prescribed medications, it is important that the patient educate him/herself well on the possible side effects.

Autor: Cindy Heller

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit pet insurance plan to learn more about pet health insurance marketing plan and florida pet health insurance.

Added: March 3, 2009

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