Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomniacs have been known to complain about being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and non-organic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia each year. Insomnia tends to increase with age and affects about 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Shift Work Sleep Disorder, Are You Affected?

Shift work and sleep

Shift workers actually do to a raw deal when it comes to sufficient sleep. You have to try and sleep when the rest of the world is waking up and their body clocks have a hard time adjusting.

Short rotating shift workers are the worst affected. You have to change their sleeping patterns every few days. Scarcely has the body rhythm of when it's time to change again.

I remember many years back on board, I was with a friend, was a shift workers. I envy him, as I have him on the steps in the direction of a comfortable bed, while I was setting up a new working day, are growing tired of some of the night (I suffered from insomnia at that time)

Now when I think back, I realize how wrong I was. My friend was deprived of sleep, even if he succeeded, 6 hours - that was not often. The sleep he was during the day was not only a relaxing. It would be like with permanent Jet lag.

Shift work and health

Sleep disadvantaged workers are less efficient and more prone to accidents at work or while driving, they can suffer with digestive disorders much as the digestion is sluggish in the night. The effects of shift work is more difficult to cope when we get older, perhaps because there are fewer resilient.

Lack of sleep can also press the immune system from the shift workers more vulnerable to colds, flu and other health problems. And then there is always present social problems. The shift worker has to sleep while their friends and family are awake.

So what is the best way to make a "good day" sleep when you are a shift worker? The grate problem to overcome is the body's natural circadian rhythm. It is designed to make us sleepy as darkness falls and alert as daylight floods our bedroom. So all our systems are trying to slow down while we're trying to get going.

Darkness stimulates the release of melatonin by the pineal gland. The production is slowing down as soon as they light. Melatonin promotes sleep and the absence can cause insomnia. This is known as the shift work sleep disorder

The following help.

Invest in heavy industry blinds and curtains to light from the bedroom

Buy A sleep mask and some earplugs Turn off the phone or have it somewhere you will not disturbed

Make sure that your family and friends know not to disturb you during your sleep time Try melatonin half an hour before bedtime. This can help to make your body rhythms. Start with 1 mg

Bright light therapy can also help the body clock and regulate melatonin levels. First.

The medical attention following are not recommended!

Drinking alcohol help you sleep - have a drink with all means, just do not expect it to improve your sleep.

Sleeping pills - they are ok for a very temporary fix.

So try the above tips to sleep and see if they help your Problem. It may well be worth a chat on your employer on a rest break on the job. It will increase your productivity so that both benefit!

Copyright 2005 Wendy Owen


Wendy Owen is an health author and reseacher. For help and advice on sleep problems visit her site at: Why not sign up for our free monthly newsletter? You'll receive up to the minute information on sleep topics and a free book.

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